Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I am finding that this blogging stuff is pretty interesting, so I thought I would give it a shot. Since we are not allowed to get on Facebook or Myspace anymore at work, this is the next best thing to keeping everyone updated on what's going on in the Morrow family. Well Lily Ann is a 1 year old now and we just recently celebrated her birthday. She enjoyed all the wonderful gifts and had a great time eating her cake. It seems like just yesterday that I was pregnant and scared to death about being a mom. Not that I didn't want to be one, it's just the unknown that I was more afraid of. Like what if I mess up and do something that hurts Lily, what if she gets sick! The "what if's" of this world will drive a "Posey" insane! Anyways, I really enjoy talking (A Lot!!) about things, so i think this blogging idea will work great for me. As long as I can do it at work, then I should be good to go. If I were to try typing on the computer at home, Miss Lily Ann would just not have that. She thinks the computer is her's and no one else should be able to use it. Boy do we have a spoiled rotten/adorable little girl! That combination is TROUBLE! Talk to you all soon.

1 comment:

  1. Precious and adorable, but not spoiled rotten. She just knows what it is that she wants in life. How many people can actually say that? Love you, Momma T
